Program Description for Title Holders

Sacred Contract Cohort Program will guide private property title holders through a voluntary process to permanently dissolve private property rights and establish Land as the owner of themself to protect the sovereignty and rights of Land and all species. The program will curate a legal pathway and a “story tapestry” process unique to each parcel of Land and title holder's situation. The program will also assist in uncovering and addressing any necessary healing, reparation, or reconciliation needed for the Land, more than human inhabitants, and the people deeply bonded to it. Finally, the program will curate a guardianship circle for the Land and help co-develop a guardianship governance process.

Legal Process

The legal process will be facilitated by rights of nature attorneys from the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights, CDER. This process will first create rights of nature easements to prevent destructive human behavior in perpetuity. These easements will be held by the Rights of Nature Land Trust or another appropriate and willing local Land Trust. The legal process will also include the creation of an Unincorporated Association made up of members of the ecosystem represented by a council of culturally appropriate ecological guardians.

Ecological, Social, Cultural Context Understanding & Story Tapestry

In order to effectively understand, be in relationship with, and be a guardian for Land it is important to understand the story of the land over the centuries, its ecological and human relationships, and its present day health and needs. The program will address this through research and engagement with historic and current communities who have a cultural relationship with the Land to collectively understand the story and history of the Land from the Land's perspective. This will also include the ecological, social, and cultural context and any current and potential future threats to the Land. This process will be presented through a Story Tapestry and will be validated by all parties involved.

Healing, Reparation, Reconciliation, Reconnection Process

The program will also facilitate, in collaboration with the historical and present communities in relationship with Land and/or Sacred Contract advisors, any Land healing, reparation and reconciliation that may be needed. The title holders will also have an opportunity to be guided through a Nature connection process, so that they are able to build their capacity to live in communication and interconnection with Land and the more than human world. As they relinquish ownership they will receive a deepening connection to Land they liberate as they come into a new, deeply interconnected and intimate relationship, participating in the story of Land in a profoundly healing way. They will be able to walk through this process with an open heart and a listening ear to what Land is needing hand in hand with the guardians and communities that have been in communication with and stewarded Land since time immemorial.

Guardianship, Governance & Perpetuity Process

Through a collaborative facilitation process guided by skilled facilitators with a depth of experience in healing broken relationships, supporting ecosystems and cultures, and supporting ethical land transitions, a group of guardians of Land will be nominated to act as a voice for the various ecosystems of Land and ensure the sovereignty and rights of Land are upheld. The local guardians will include knowledge holders from Indigenous communities, environmentalists, representatives from marginalized communities with connection to Land, and others. Sacred Contract will also support the guardianship circle to design a governance, financial, and communication structure that is specifically adapted to the Land and local context.