Invitation to Sacred Contract Pilot Program Cohort

We are Sacred Contract - a coalition of five organizations working to build a right relationship with land. We are looking for three adventurous souls to join with us as we work to transform Land from being private property to owning itself - thus breaking free from the treacherously failed experiment that is private property.

If you are like us, you know in your heart of hearts that Land is Sacred and cannot be owned. You see the concept that land is capable of being privately owned as a fundamentally flawed legal fiction that must evolve for the survival of Life on Earth.

The many ecological and humanitarian crises we face share a root dysfunction, a worldview that objectifies land and upholds human supremacy over nature. If we instead recognize that Land is our kin, we can emancipate ourselves and the earth from an ownership relationship to a sacred relationship.

The good news is that through years of research and experimentation, lawyers at one of our coalition groups - the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights - have found a legal pathway to enable Land to own themselves. Sacred Contract has created a program based on that legal pathway that includes healing reparation processes and collective guardianship models to preserve Land's liberty and safety in perpetuity. We are committed to using those tools to liberate Land, uphold the rights of nature and ecosystems, and restore the role of indigenous and indigenously-informed Guardians to protect those rights and that Land.

We are seeking out three people who currently hold debt-free title to Land and are in the position to relinquish privately held title to that Land. By participating in this program, you will be part of an historic endeavor to heal our broken system from the ground up.

Starting in 2024, Sacred Contract will be facilitating a pilot program to build on the success of the first parcel of Land which now owns itself in northeastern Washington State. Each parcel of Land in the pilot program will be protected in perpetuity by conservation easements which recognize and protect the rights of nature, and a Guardianship Association which will be created to restore indigenously-informed Kinship.

Your participation and all learnings will be supported by a team of Sacred Contract facilitators, who will guide you through this process of collective healing and growth. Together we will make history as we heal our shortsighted legal system’s flawed relationship with Land.

If you are inspired and are interested to bring yourself and Land you steward into this process, please contact us to deepen the exploration.