The most essential act of our time is to restore humanity’s Sacred Contract with Nature

Our vision is to fundamentally shift our cultural and legal relationship with the earth by liberating ourselves and the earth from an ownership relationship to a sacred relationship.

 The purpose of Sacred Contract is to enable Land and ecosystems to own themselves, be represented by indigenous voices, and assert their own legal rights.


We work with regional land stewards to permanently and legally uproot private property, restore rights of nature, and support an indigenous led guardian council.


We are a nonprofit organization and coalition consisting of indigenous and non-indigenous activists spearheading a new model of land self-ownership.

Perhaps you are…

  • A Title Holder (land owner) seeking to heal and transform your legal relationship from ownership into kinship with the land you steward.

  • A community, retreat center or other place based organization seeking to meet the land you steward more intimately, allow the land to inform your choices, and embed nature as a principal in your legal structure.

  • A land centric organization (conservancies, trusts, regenerative oriented ngos, stewardship networks) that is seeking to move into deeper ethical alignment with your relationship with land.

  • An individual, group or organization seeking to meet land/nature more intimately and allow it to guide your choices

  • A environmental lawyer or land based wisdom holder seeking to share your work to a broader community for greater impact

We can choose to either be hospice workers helping to ease the passing of the planet

or midwives helping to birth a completely new system

– Joanna Macy