The most essential act of our time is to restore

humanity’s Sacred Contract with Nature

Sacred Contract is a fundamental shift in our cultural and legal relationship with the earth in which we emancipate ourselves and the earth from an ownership relationship to a sacred relationship.

The work we are engaging in this place of reunion is potently practical and deeply cosmological.  We are working at the crossroads where worldview meets grounding change, where direct and personal engagement with the natural world guides our personal belonging, group decision making, and legal infrastructure.

The Land Sovereignty Cohort program will enable private property owners to voluntarily dissolve private ownership rights, restore the rights of nature and create sustaining ecological and cultural guardianship of the transformed titles.  We are coming together with the support of grant funding to develop this program in Spring 2023, with the hopes of launching our first cohort in the Fall of 2023.


The root of all ills of our time arise from the break in our relationship to the very source of life. Led by a group of advisors, we seek to co-create a declaration of humanity’s sacred contract with nature to bring awareness to this remembrance.


Healing our relationship with place is trauma and reconciliation work. The separation of land and people causes many forms of trauma. The deep work of witnessing, grieving, reconciliation and reparation of past and present suffering is the path to wholeness and hope for the future. Personal, group, locational, and historical healing workshops for people, land and all life are an essential foundation of the Sacred Contract.


To initiate the work we covened a coalition of individuals and groups committed to shifting cultural and legal frameworks around humanity’s relationship to the planet and all life in August 2022.


In order to create lasting change, we must not only alter hearts and minds, but also the law. We are working with environmental and real estate attorneys to reimagine and construct new legal frameworks that emancipate nature from an anthropocentric paradigm.


All humans are indigenous to Earth, are Nature itself, and have the capacity to have an intimate relationship with land. We can relearn these skills. Sacred Contract will create an open source field guide for anyone to reconnect with land.


Perhaps you are…

  • A Title Holder (land owner) seeking to heal and transform your legal relationship from ownership into kinship with the land you steward.

  • A community, retreat center or other place based organization seeking to meet the land you steward more intimately, allow the land to inform your choices, and embed nature as a principal in your legal structure.

  • A land centric organization (conservancies, trusts, regenerative oriented ngos, stewardship networks) that is seeking to move into deeper ethical alignment with your relationship with land.

  • An individual, group or organization seeking to meet land/nature more intimately and allow it to guide your choices

  • A environmental lawyer or land based wisdom holder seeking to share your work to a broader community for greater impact

We can choose to either be hospice workers helping to ease the passing of the planet

or midwives helping to birth a completely new system

– Joanna Macy